Undergraduate courses:
BIOL1110 From Molecules to Cells
BIOL 3401 Molecular Biology (Course Coordinator)
BIOL 4415 Healthcare Biotechnology
BIOL4416 Stem Cells and Regenerative Biology (Course Coordinator)
BIOL3409 Business Aspects of Biotechnology
Postgraduate course:
BIOL 6001 Presentation skills and research seminars in Biological Sciences (Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Module Co-Coordinator)
2021/08 Press release on artificial chromosomes (NAR) findings:
[EurekAlert! | AAAS] https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/931818
[ScienceDaily] https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/10/211018100040.htm
[phys] https://phys.org/news/2021-10-biologists-artificial-chromosomes-gene-therapies.html
[大公报] http://www.takungpao.com/news/232109/2021/1013/642548.html
2019/05 Press conference and media coverage on PNAS 116(13):6270-6279 findings:
Xinhuanet - Hong Kong scientists discover cenRNA essential for chromosome stability
Kazinform - Hong Kong scientists discover cenRNA essential for chromosome stability
CAS - Hong Kong Scientists Discover cenRNA Essential for Chromosome Stability
[Phys.org] Cell division requires a balanced level of non-coding RNA for chromosome stability
[EurekAlert!] Cell division requires a balanced level of non-coding RNA for chromosome stability
Junior Science Institute (JSI):
Investigating Genetic Diseases Using Yeast (for secondary school S4-S6 students)
HK Science Museum Talk:
2013/12/14 2013 Nobel Prize in Medicine
Graduate Study Workshop:
2012/11/08 How to Prepare for your Research Postgraduate Study? When and Where?
Internship Training:
2012 Summer Workshop for Secondary School Teachers at Caritas Chan Chun Ha Field Studies Centre, Cheung Chau